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4 Big Don’ts For Your Social Media Marketing Strategy


As social media marketing gains more and more popularity, many marketers believe that they have their social media strategy down. However, there are still some areas that many social media managers struggle with. If you are interested in making your marketing a bit more digital, here are some things that you should NOT do when creating your social media strategy.

1. Don’t Ignore the Other People on Social Media

Just because your social media account is for your brand and not you personally, doesn’t mean personality shouldn’t be interjected into your interactions on social media. All that this really means is you need to actually be personable with your followers and others on social media. If somebody likes your page or retweets something that
you tweet, thank them. If you feel that you can offer expertise or insight on a subject that someone else is talking about, chime in. Don’t be afraid to show your brand’s personality and help them truly get to know you. After all, that’s what social media is for.

2. Don’t Be Too Promotional

Going off of our last point, people follow brand accounts to get to know the brand and to create a relationship and an experience with that particular brand. They don’t want to follow a brand that is strictly advertising to them. Because of this, your social media content shouldn’t be all about your brand all the time. Instead, try to include both stuff about your brand and from your site AND things that come from other sites you know that your users would be interested in. You can also pin relevant information from your followers. This is a great way to stay engaged and to let them know that you are listening.

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