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8 Steps to Social Media Best Practice


Here is a “roll up your sleeves” guide to posting and responding on social media. But before we get into the dos, better make sure that you stay away from any fire starter situations. Avoid doing things in this list at all costs!

Social media worst practice list of doom


  1. Talk politics or religion – Don’t do it. Ever.
  2. Go feral – Don’t post rants or gripe when things don’t go your way. Avoid a catastrophe.
  3. Spam – Post as often as you have good quality information to share. What would someone who has had a long day at work be interested to see?
  4. Respond hastily – Well thought out & correct answers are vital. Never post angry.
  5. Bash competitors – Focus on your customers, then you. Not your competition. Rather than say what is wrong with your competitors X,Y or Z talk instead about your product or service and how it solves problems.
  6. Self-promote all the time – Instead use the 80/20 rule: 80% of your posts should be helpful and informative, 20% can be promotion.
  7. Be conservative – This is your opportunity to speak directly to your customers. Be outgoing & engaging.

Now that you can avoid pitfalls, let’s dive into social media best practice.


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