The first BitHack Hackathon in Greece is here!

From the 16th – 18th October we will be organizing the fist Bitcoin and Blockchain Hackathon in Greece. The Hackers competing in the challenge have to create an application that utilizes Bitcoin or the Blockchain. The application presented should solve a great problem the population currently faces and assist them in their every day life.

There will be 2 categories: one for developers who have to create an actual prototype, and one for “thinkers”, who have to create a presentation of their proposed solution. This encourages students from all subjects to join the hackathon and provide their thoughts on disruptive solutions. The winners of the event will get at least 5 Bitcoin ($1000) – but this number will rise as more sponsors join.

The event will last for 3 days:

Friday: Meeting and getting to know each other. Workshops on Blockchain and Bitcoin development. General discussions and Q&A in the group. Start of the official Hackathon.

Saturday: All day hacking with occassional gaming competitions.

Sunday: Bitcoin educational event with the presentations of all the applications created during the hackathon. Followed by the ceremony of the winners and a small party.

The Hackathon will be held at The Cube and is free of charge. Attendants will get free food and beverages and we will additionally have several workshops where interested people can learn more about development with the Blockchain and Bitcoin in general.

The Hackathon is for all those that are interested in learning soemthing new, but also for those who are already experienced with Blockchain development. We welcome all developers and students to the event and we hope to educate the locals about Bitcoin and its benefits.

More information: